mokuhanga exhibition

As part of the International Mokuhanga Conference in Echizen, my printmaking collective Mokuhanga Sisters held a special exhibition at the Udatsu Paper and Craft Museum.

The museum allowed us free reign to design our show, and we displayed our work in the beautiful historic gallery as if it were precious jewels. Some of the prints were hanging, so you could walk around them to see the reverse side, and some were layed down on black velvet.

My print for the collaborative project is titled Camellia Bowl, and is the largest print I’ve made thus far. I used sumi ink from Nara, and masaban-sized washi from Echizen.

Here’s the statement I wrote about my piece:

We also showed our collaborative scroll piece in the main gallery, that we made together in 2020/21.

In the back room of the gallery, we showed some of our own personal work, and I had 3 flowers prints close together like this.

A reporter from the local Fukui Prefecture newspaper came to speak to us about the show and the conference, and we held a private view of the show the evening before it opened.

Thank you to everyone who came to see our show, and left lovely comments in our book. We’re looking forward to our next show when we complete part 2 of our project!